Thursday, June 12, 2008

Now, What's the Meaning of Dope?

If it happened on television in 90s, and some rappers were involved, I probably have it on tape somewhere. In addition to the archive related to the failed venture that led to this blog, I have a separate collection of videotapes of things I ripped from television back in the day.

I've thought about sharing this with the rest of the world, but I didn't want to attract the wrong kind of attention on gootube. So along comes JC at the Meaning of Dope. The site is a virtual museum of hip hop footage, most of which you won't find anywhere else. This performance from The Late Show with Joan Rivers is the second clip I've uploaded to MOD, you can find the find the first one here.


Drasar Monumental said...

cool blog keep it goin......check

Anonymous said...

Craig,these are incredible clips youve ripped, thankyou...

Can i ask if MCA explained what that sweaty lookin patch was on a very wrong part of his jeans during this performance?

Did Joan ask?

MCA also seems to have some issues with climbing aboard props on tv studio sets....

Shouts to Dee Dee Barnes next time ya see her...

If you dont already own, enjoy...

In appreciation, thanks again.


Craig Belcher said...

Thanks for the link and the kind words. I have the interview on tape, but I can't view it with the deck I'm using right now. Taped in the wrong speed.